Thursday, March 27, 2008

Whale sharks

As Rachel mentioned, they are a rare breed. What occurs is that you are in the boat as it rides along, and we were 7 tourists with one "interactor", the guide who gives the signal to get in and where to go, and where to look. he jumps in with us. There are 2 spotters who check the water for large dark shapes and let the interactor know there is a shark... then we jump in the water, swim to the spot they tell us and then he says look down... and the next thing you know there is a massive creature swimming towards you or next to you or even under you... and frankly that was scary for me!
The water was a little cloudy... I guess there are a lot of little microorganisms that attract the sharks to that area, but the result is that yo can not see much more than 10-15 feet down, although maybe more like 20 feet near the surface...
The water is clean out there and is a nice deep turquoise. The whale shark nearly blends in with the water which is why sometimes you'll look down and see nothing.. and then the next thing you know these spots materialize out of nowhere and there is this massive beast heading right at you... in my case, I looked down twice and it seemed like the skar was gunning me down... and I nearly freaked... I am not sure how good their sight is and never know if you might end up in their way... mostly I swam alongside it...
Unfortunately we missed our opportunity to buy an underwater camera here in Manila and by the time we got to Donsol it was overpriced... the interactor actually took photos for some people, and some really good ones that they plan to share with the whole group... as soon as we get some we will share them with you for proof... All we have now is the picture on the boat so you'll have to take our word...
We will get a camera though since we are headed to Coron and other places where there will be plenty of opportunities to take underwater photos!

Cheers for now!

1 comment:

susan said...

Wow Jay, I dont think I would want to take a swim in them there waters! It sounds exciting but scary to me ! Im kind of a chicken for swimming with creatures , especially big ones so Ill leave that up to u and Rachel,,, do be careful !