Monday, May 19, 2008

Erika and Greg's Pad

Alrighty then!!! We have arrived safely and soundly to Denpasar this past afternoon... and we were happily greeted at the airport by our gracious hosts Erika and Greg. A short cab ride later, and we were chilling in their pad in the town of Seminyak (I think) and relaxing. This place is super duper nice - we feel like we are in a hotel. They have a beautiful pool, and a chill living space that can only be expressed by the following pictures. No we have not found our camera, we are borrowing theirs, which happens to be nearly identical to ours... maybe we'll get a memory chip and pop it in here....
In any case, without further adieu, here is where we are staying.

The first shot is a picture from the roof, of the pool and the yard. The second floor was never completed and now serves as a tanning station.

In the second shot we have a view of the pad from beyond the pool. The place is surrounded in windows which allows for plenty of sunlight.

The next shot is from inside, in the kitchen corner. The big room serves as a work area, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. Chill music plays and keeps us relaxed...

The fourth is a picture of our suite - a nice big comfy bed, and we have our own bathroom just outside!

The last shot is our view from the bed in our room. Beautiful ain't it?


LarryR said...

All I can say,is let us know when you are leaving;mom and I are booking a flight to Bali, with the intention of moving right in to that lovely bedroom,just as soon as you vacate it.Is breakfast included?

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAY-JAY!! Have a great day, and if it there's a little somethin' left over, I'd like to get you something, real nice :) LOL

Unknown said...

I was so excited to be the FIRST one to post this morning. I wrote quickly, kept cutting off Jeffrey when he tried to speak; just had the feeling someone would beat me to it. And sure enough, I hit 'preview instead of 'post, and there lies Dad's comment, at the exact same time as mine. Phooey! But yes, their home looks magnificient and I'd want to stay there all day too! xox

susan said...

Can we stay there too !! looks fantastic !Your not gonna want to come back !
Two weeks from today before you land back to reality !! ha ha
Yes, have a happy happy bday Jay, enjoy !

Elle said...

Well looks like your kerfuffles were well worth it! Happy birthday, you may just be lucky enough to get a belated birthday cheesecake when you get back... at the new pad (cross my fingers)!

Daniel said...

The place really looks magnificent... nothing like keeping the best for last!
Happy Birthday, I never though you'd top me celebrating mine in Hawaii last year, but gosh darn it, you're just so determined that I think this one will be a very difficult task for me to beat... one day, I mean year...
Have fun you two!

Jonathan B. Reichelson said...

Thanks all for the birthday wishes! We are having a great time, and I am sure we'll be leaving before we know it! See you all soon!

Sid R. said...

Happy belated Birthday to the twins; guess you were bound to come into sunshine on such an auspicious's not called mal asia for nothing but you're out of it now.

susan said...

Hey JAY, you ll have to update the blog, its says your 24 yrs. old... you have aged since then !!

see u both real soon ...

susan said...

Hey JAY, you ll have to update the blog, its says your 24 yrs. old... you have aged since then !!

see u both real soon ...

susan said...

oops ! sent it twice ,,

Unknown said...

Mmtegia -that's my word verification (yet again, not too sure it is a word). So, one more blog entry before you guys head out and back home? Anything to report on this very last leg of the journey? Let us have it so that we may all be a part of the Grand Finale that's on its way shortly for you both :) All's well that ends well! Toodles! xox

susan said...

Yah! claudia your right,
We need a grand finale !! a good one !! no bad news or anything like that !! only good stuff !
hummmmm,,,,,let's wait and see what we get ...........
although, better hurry, time is getting short ....
fygvhfqs, thats my word ! what the heck, they invent these words or what ? and why do they ask you to type them ??

LarryR said...

Yeah, what THEY said ! The only thing in common with a great Fireworks display,and a Blog site that records the highs and lows of a 4 month whirlwind South Pacific tour,is that they both should end with a FLOURISH ! So, let's have it;time is rapidly running out !