Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More Palawan...

Here are a few more photos for your enjoyment...

The first one is in Coron, at bistro Coron, where we had a great vegetarian pizza. Yum. We were there for seven long days, so we had a few meals here.... pricing was decent and the breakfast omelets we really good... as well as their French bread... the pancake was a little heavy but came with Philippine honey, which Rachel enjoyed, but I preferred the maple syrup (not real!) that came with the pancakes or french toast at the Sea Dive...

Island hopping in El Nido...

I forgot to edit the following one...


susan said...

HI U 2, Some more great pictures for us to drool upon ! veggie pizza, sounds good !
I heard that it was sometimes too hot !I dont feel pity for you guys at all ! ha ha !we can always trade places for a day or so ???

LarryR said...

"You spend long days,and lovely nights,
Paradise within your reach,
Without a care to cause you ill,
'cept."where's the next sandy beach
Well, good for you,enjoy the day,
And profit ,from these times,
Have a Margueritta,on us, you guys,
And don't skimp on the limes!

Jonathan and Rachel said...

nice rhymes.... always dad and Susan leaving messages... where's everyone else???

susan said...

Ya Jay, your right !
where is everyone else cause I know others are reading this !
lazyness has set it already !
I cant rhyme, I will leave that to Larry , ha ha ! He is a real pro at it, nice writing skills he has !
take care u2
Susan xx

Denis said...

salut,vous 2 les photos sont magnifique et je suis sur que la vue sur place est encore plus magnifique.Jay tu devrait voir les auto avec des drapeaux du CH ,y en a plein.
faites attention a vous et profiter en pleinement.


LarryR said...

One day while driving home from work,
A thought occurred to me,,
My days of ramblin' 'round the world,
Are done, most certainly.
But through your trip,in warm South Seas,
I live these times once more,
Lie on a beach,and read a book,
And forget that life's a chore.
So do your Best,enjoy yourself,
'Cause it's not only for you,
You've got to have so,much,much fun
For your folks, and Rachels' too!

susan said...

WOW Larry, you a great poet !
I could try and outdo you but it would sound like this..

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I want to go to the beach too
But " no can do"
But Ill enjoy Rachel and Jay if I can
Live it up in Palawan !

That's about shuts me up ,, ha ha

Take care u all
Susan xx

Unknown said...

Ahh, a Pizzahut, the original.....seems like my kind of paradise, just paradise! And you know what? Those beaches aren't half-bad either huh? (hahaha) BTW, why don't you introduce us to your personal photographer? He's really doing a bang-up job :p It's fun to see the both you at the same time in all of these. Thanks guys. And, if it's only your '10-sec' timer on the camera, then Thank You, Mr. Canon. Ok, Dad always claims that Blogspot kicks him off before he's able to post, but Dad, your comments aren't entirely sooo long. Are you logged-in, in the first place? :) Oki doke. It's 11:55 Sunday evenin' in MTL, and Yawn..... We're on the sleepy side. Good morning, you two, and ttyl -Claud xoox

Unknown said...

They just posted my post at 8:56pm.... Is this blog out of the West Coast? Hey, it's 11:56pm EST....in case anyone else is trying to keep track. YAWN, I'm still sleepy..... Big hugs and big kisses & zxfadt (which is the "word verification" asked of me). If you want to know the truth ( i don't think it IS a word) ;p


Hey guys - LOVE the pics.... BTW, do you know when exactly you guys are airing on National GEO? If not how could we find out? I really want to see it!

I love the last pic on this entry - it's like a postcard!