Saturday, April 26, 2008


Okay so Rachel said most of it…
But having never been here I did not know what to expect… Although necessities are cheaper in general, we must take the exchange rate into consideration. 1 CAD$ was equal to 40 Philippino pesos, and here it is about 30 baht. However, we bought things for 10 PHP, because merchants liked round numbers. Here, they do the same thing, so 10 baht is actually more than the Philippines for things like nik naks and so on…
My first impression was the difference with the cars. We took a taxi from the airport to the tourist area to get a room, and it was expensive because of the tolls. But all the taxis are new Corollas… in fact all the cars on the road are new, and the roads are more than well maintained… for the city. Driving yourself would be a nightmare at first – there are so many vehicles everywhere, and many of them are motorbikes that zig and zag and generally do not follow the road rules because they can get away with it. And know how to…
Whereas for the previous 45 days we were using tricycles (motorbikes with an attachment for people), we now have tuk-tuk, which is similar, but the layout different. We sit in a bench behind the driver, rather than to the side…
As Rachel mentioned, there are many more tourists here, and there seem to have been for much longer than in the Philippines. Needless to say, getting a fair deal can be an exercise in futility. We have just been looking around for future purchases - not wanting to buy and have to carry around the stuff for another 5 weeks – and I am getting used to the way they ask and what to expect. Though it seems like they ask for a fair price at first, you know you can do better. And I am certain the good shoppers can really bargain down. No one likes to get ripped off… I have not tried but I will not be shy I think – there are a lot of vendors after all…
The heat is similar to the Philippines, very muggy in Bangkok. Up here in Chiang Mai, the air is a little drier I find. And Thailand is cleaner in a sense. I assume many of the buildings are as old, but in Bangkok, the exteriors are not as black as in the Philippines.
Lastly, as Rachel mentioned, the language. Man I took it for granted at the amount of English in the Philippines, because here there is very little. The street vendors know a little, enough to get by on in order to make a killing (I mean living!) but every meal seems to have some problems. And we are never sure if they really understand or if they are smiling and nodding to be polite. The highway signs have no English, though the local street signs are written in English form under a larger Thai dialect.
We are here in Chiang Mai for another two days so we can catch the famous Sunday Market and other markets… need to visit some wats (temples) and maybe a museum. Then we are off to the South central part of Thailand where the beaches will be pretty and the water relaxing… this is what the vacation is supposed to be all about!
So enjoy your hockey and melting snow, we will take the white sand and clear blue waters anyday!


susan said...

HI, Sounds so far away when you describe how it is over there, same planet earth but very different ! I know the feeling about not wanting to get ripped off, you want to make sure they are not laughing at you when you buy at their price ah !bargain , bargain if there are so many like u say, just go to the next vendor when you are not satisfied .
Nice pictures, the fish is quite a blue color, seems it should be in an aqurium instead of at the fish market and those signs, ????? hummmm! wonder what it says ah ???
keep enjoying, we are counting the days before you guys come home, its getting closer now !

LarryR said...

Well, Susan, 'ya beat me to the punch this time;next time, you may not be so lucky! Well, not only do they look like the 'Blue Man Group'(except that they're fish)but they look as if they are actually singing.Check it out. And Jay, don't try to tell us that it is you,doing a summersault-cannonball,with a half lutz,off the side of that schooner;is it though?Keep posting them photos,they sure make our day!

susan said...

Funny you should say that Larry about it being Jay jumping off that schooner,, I too, had to open up the picture max to see who that olymptic diver was,,,, by golly! th'was a brownish lad,, Jay, is that a tan or what ??
hi hi

Elle said...

I thought for sure not! (J back flipping)... those fish are sure funky looking did you eat some? And WOW LA! It's been like 24C, I've been using the A/C in the car, and I've been regularly doing the 'pit check' THAT's how hot it is!! No snow in sight.... have fun and take care!

susan said...

Shoot, 2-zip for Philly, 2nd period! grrrrrrr
I cant watch it anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I knew it! I knew it would be me! I always can jinx the weather if I put my mind to it and brag to just enough people :) It got soooo cold in Montreal, compare to what it's been, and yes, I can take blame. Now, Jay and Rachel, looking at your tropical pictures take on a whole different meaning. Went down to 0 at one point. It now feels like our 'typical' Montreal spring, cold and dreary. Ha! I thought it was too good to be true. So much for Ben&Jerry's Free Cone Day. You couldn't pay me to have ice cream today....(well, maybe you could). Therefore guys, all the more reason to truly be taking it all in, in Vietnam :) Very cool, especially those fish! For those who have it served in a restaurant, I bet they're none the wiser as to how beautiful their meal was before it hit the grill. Come to think of it, maybe I've had that fish before, but was also none the wiser as it lay all tasty-looking in my plate. Alright then. I think I'm going to go grab another sweater or something...*pout*

Unknown said...

Uh, ah, that's right. I meant Thailand and not Vietnam... I must be thinking of something else :) LOL

LarryR said...

Has somebody fallen asleep at the switch? We have been waiting, lo these many days for news from Thailand,only to keep staring at those humourous,but ugly Blue Fish.What gives?Surely 'stuff' more interesting,then is happening here,must be going on in Asia;I heard that today is the last day ever,to send a telegram in Thailand.Is it true?How about posting some fab pics? C'mon,don't be lazy,start typing,or downloading or something,and send us an update, while we're waiting !

Unknown said...

Larry (Dad) and Susan, you are hooked on blogging Rachel and Jay! Too funny! Though I will admit, I check here just about everyday too, and luv the photo-updates. Keep on having a great time you guys! PS: where are Dan's comments? Hmm, suspiciously absent. Allo? Baie-Comeau? Avez-vous vue un jeune Montréalais, qui traine un portatif autour d'ALCOA? I kid, I kid. RABBIT.... RRRRRABBIT! Yes! We are the 1st today :)

susan said...

I guess for lack of something to read from " the couple" we shall chat between ourselves, , ha ha !
Of course we go on the net many times every day wondering what will be on the blog ! but, your right , lazyness has set in with Rachel and Jay, its all those lazy days lounging in the hot sun, sipping on whatever they sip over there (hiccup, hiccup) that is getting to them... ha ha
Feel bad now Rachel ???? get going , I know you can type a mile a minute , 1, 2, 3,,go go go !

Daniel said...

Well, I have trouble accessing this website from work email, and the hours I've been putting up lately, I'm either sleeping, eating or working!
Pics look great, and I'm wondering if you two have forgotten what life in North America is like after all this time away.
You speak about rip offs, but only because you can bargain! Could you picture yourself pulling up to Tim Horton's and telling them you will pay only 80 cents for a medium hot chocolate rather than 1.44$? Because they'd still be making profit!!! Not like the street vendors finish work and head back to their mansions...
Enjoy the weather, before you know it you'll be back in time to enjoy summer in Montreal!